go to Preferences->General (in Thunderbird go to Preferences->Attachments) and click the radio-button next to "Save files to", then click the "Choose..." button and select the folder where you want to store "temporary" files when they are …
NetBIOS名でアクセスできない. Cmd + Tabでウィンドウ切り替えすると,Caps lockが反転するバグがある. クラシックログインにしたほうがいい(未確認). I could reboot the remote machine, but then I couldn't login again. from http://forum.soft32.…
If you have created the image yourself, then no reference is required. However, you will still need a caption for the figure or table. from http://datasearch.uts.edu.au/teachlearn/avoidingplagiarism/tutorial/nonverbal.cfm真似をしても,自分…
Preferences - Compositionのgsをgs-X11に変更自分の環境に寄るのだろうが,これで解決.http://macosx-tex.576846.n2.nabble.com/No-output-with-LaTeXit-and-Mac-Tex-2008-td1099518.html
$ defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES $ killall Dock 参考URL:http://www.macworld.com/article/46236/2005/08/disabledashboard.html
defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG jp_JP.UTF-8
An equation says that two things are equal つまり,x+2 = 6 is an equation. A formula is a special type of equation that shows the relationship between different variables. つまり,y=ax+b is an equation and a formula. http://www.mathsisfun.…
マクロを使う http://www.micheledallatorre.it/blog/2009/04/26/how-to-export-charts-from-a-calc-spreadsheet-to-eps/ Drawにコピー&ペーストしてexport
Acronyms: When each letter is pronounced in most acronyms, capitalize every letter. Capitalize only the first letter in most acronyms with more than six letters. Leave out periods in most acronyms unless the result would spell an unrelated…
Either quotation marks or italic type can emphasize that an instance of a word refers to the word itself rather than its associated concept. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_mark#Use.E2.80.93mention_distinction
インストールしたソフトウェア Remote Desktop Connection VirtualBox Chicken of the VNC ScreenSharingMenulet MacTex MacTeX 2010 で日本語 Adobe acrobat reader muCommander MacPorts gv gnuplot Xcode Office Microsoft Office 2008 OpenOffice.org jp…
以下のものをインストール MacTex http://www.tug.org/mactex/2009/ Drag & Drop pTeX(以下DDTeX) http://www2.kumagaku.ac.jp/teacher/herogw/ MacTeXは標準インストールし,DDTeXは以下にコピーした. /Applications/TeX/pTeX.apppTeX.appをダブルクリッ…