

IEEE D. Personal Servers. Authors and/or their companies shall have the right to post their IEEE-copyrighted material on their own servers without permission, provided that the server displays a prominent notice alerting readers to their o…

Squirrel mailでサブフォルダの表示の設定

SquirrelMail Configuration : Read: config.php (1.4.0) - Server SettingsGeneral - 1. Domain : example.jp 2. Invert Time : false 3. Sendmail or SMTP : SMTPIMAP Settings - 4. IMAP Server : localhost 5. IMAP Port : 143 6. Authentication type :…


OS 3.0の新機能テザリングは3G回線しかテザリングすることができない. しかし,iPhoneだと使用可能なBBモバイルポイントをPCから使用したい場合がある(ただのけち).手順 脱獄する. http://www.iphooone.com/pukiwiki/index.php?JailBreak%BC%EA%BD%E7 …

iPhone battery life after jailbreak

1. Download "services" and shut down SSH when you aren't using it.2. With all the different applications running, simply hitting the home button when you're done with them keeps them running and therefore wastes battery power. When you are…



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